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The Carbs Rule

Jogging Tips and Guidelines


The Carbs Rule

For a few days before a long race, emphasize carbohydrates in your diet. Carbo loading became the marathoners mantra after Scandinavian studies in 1967 suggested cramming down carbs following a period of carb depletion produced super charged athletes. Experts now say simply emphasizing carbs a few days before a race over two hours works just as well. The Exception Theres a word for carbo loading during regular training or before a short race gluttony.


The Finishing Time Rule
The Refueling Rule
Focus on proper running form
The Carbs Rule
The Hard Easy Rule
The 10 Percent Rule
Safety during the run
The Long Run Pace Rule
Listen to Your Body
It Takes As Long As It Takes
The 20 Mile Rule
Dont eat breakfast before jogging
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