The Hard Easy Rule
Jogging Tips and Guidelines
The Hard Easy Rule
Take at least one easy day after every hard day of training. Easy means a short, slow run, a cross training day, or no exercise at all. Hard means a long run, tempo run, or speed workout. Give your body the rest it needs to be effective for the next hard run, says Todd Williams, a two time U.S. Olympian and online coach at Apply the hard easy rule to your monthly and yearly training cycles by treating yourself to one easy week each month, and one easy month each year. The Exception After the most exhausting long runs and speed workouts, especially if youre 40 or older, wait for two or even three days before your next tough one.
The Dont Just Run Rule
The Seven Year Rule
Perform an increase
The Refueling Rule
The Sleep Rule
The 10 Minute Rule
The Up Beats Down Rule
The best time for jogging
The Speedwork Pace Rule
The Finishing Time Rule
The 20 Mile Rule
Dont skip your cooldown
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