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Trim your nails when they get too long

How to Care for Your Nails


Trim your nails when they get too long

Cut nails when they reach a point that s to high for you. If you don t clip them when needed they can tear or get caught on things. Even worse it can scratch things like you. Take special care with your toenails. For true nail care, trim your toenails in a straight line and not in a curved manner. Inappropriate toenail cutting, toe injuries and even ill fitting boots or shoes might result in minute pieces of these toenails splitting up at the corners. This can also lead the problem of ingrown nails.


Keep Your Nails Healthy
Wear shoes that fit properly
Wear Sunscreen
Use moisturizer
Use some tricks and remedies to clean your nails and remove stains
Personal hygiene
Avoid rough emery boards
Watch your nails for signs of health problems
Regular Clipping
Moisturize post sanitizer
Fight Fungus
Take biotin supplements
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