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How To Build or Rebuild Trust



This one should be obvious, but unfortunately, sometimes it gets overlooked. How you approach saying your apology will influence whether or not the apology is accepted and you both can move on.When apologizing, avoid justifying your actions.Don t claim that the offended person misunderstood you ( you read that wrong ). Don t deny their hurt ( you didn t even get hurt ). Don t tell a sad tale ( I had a troubled childhood ).The best way to accept responsibility is by recognizing the other person s hurt, saying what you should have done instead, and doing that behavior in the future.Let the person you betrayed know why you are apologizing. If they know that you are apologizing out of guilt and shame, they are more likely to forgive you. If they think that you are apologizing out of pity, they are less likely to forgive you. Pity, unlike guilt and shame, does not show an element of personal responsibility of the offender. Pity also implies that the offender is superior to the offended.


Assess the situation
Express Your Needs Clearly
Hold To Your Highest Moral Standard
Let the other person vent
Do What You Say Youre Going To Do
Set Your Expectations
Come clean
Be Positive
Make your life transparent for the other person
Stay patient
Consider the persons reaction to the situation
Embrace Shared Rather Than Personal Goals
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