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Make your life transparent for the other person

How To Build or Rebuild Trust


Make your life transparent for the other person

Everybody wants to control personal information.But, for a little while, you may need to forfeit a portion of your privacy for the sake of the person trying to trust you again. By making your life transparent, the other person will be able to confirm with their own eyes that you are not in the midst of another betrayal.This is especially important in romantic relationships broken apart by infidelity. Give your significant other complete, uncensored access to your texts, phone logs, emails, and appointment book for a few weeks to months after your betrayal. Let him or her know where you are and who you are with whenever possible.


Be Positive
Treat People Fairly And Equally
Express your feelings
Consider the persons reaction to the situation
Do What You Say Youre Going To Do
Fight Fair
Come clean
Be A Better Communicator
Be A Confidant
Stay patient
Keep your word going forward
Be Consistent
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