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Healthy Stomach



Nancy has noticed that many people who first come into her healing center drink a lot of soda and coffee. Some even start their day with these acid-producing beverages and changing this habit can really bring about positive changes in your digestive health. Soda and coffee dehydrate your body, which can also sap your energy. Drinking filtered water, organic herbal teas and probiotic liquids provide energy and hydration. Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine both say that cold drinks slow your digestive fire or your chi (energy). Since life and healing require energy, focus on room temperature water and beverages or warm tea.


Incorporate prebiotics and probiotics
Arent protein shakes just for bodybuilders
Nurture your guts residents
Eat on schedule
Watch out for foods that trigger digestive problems
Choose high quality fresh organic foods
Manage stress
Got heartburn Cut down on fatty foods
Stop smoking to prevent reflux
Will eating smaller meals curb my hunger
Stay hydrated
Cleanse and Detoxify
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