Aster Tenellus Bristly leavd Aster

Aster Tenellus Bristly leavd Aster
Most of the numerous species of this genus flower about Michaelmas, hence their vulgar name of Michaelmas Daisy, a name exceptionable not only on account of its length, but from its being a compound word. Aster, though a Latin term, is now so generally received, that we shall make no apology for adopting it.
We are indebted to North America for most of our Asters, but the present species, which is omitted by Miller, and is rather a scarce plant in this country, though not of modern introduction, being figured by Plukenet and described by Ray, is a native of Africa, and, like a few others, requires in the winter the shelter of a greenhouse.
It is particularly distinguished by having very narrow leaves with short bristles on them, and by its blossoms drooping before they open.
It is a perennial, flowers in September and October, and may be propagated by slips or cuttings.
The plant from whence our drawing was made, came from Messrs. Gordon and Thompsons Nursery, Mile End.