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Convolvulus Tricolor Small Convolvulus or Bindweed



Convolvulus Tricolor Small Convolvulus or Bindweed

This species has usually been called Convolvulus minor by gardeners, by way of distinguishing it from the Convolvulus purpureus, to which they have given the name of major. It is a very pretty annual, a native of Spain, Portugal, and Sicily, and very commonly cultivated in gardens.
The most usual colours of its blossoms are blue, white, and yellow, whence its name of tricolor, but there is a variety of it with white, and another with striped blossoms.
The whole plant with us is in general hairy, hence it does not well accord with Linnaeuss description. It is propagated by seeds, which should be sown on the flower borders in the spring, where the plants are to remain they require no other care than to be thinned and weeded.


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