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Helianthus Multiflorus



Helianthus Multiflorus

The Helianthus multiflorus, a native of North America, is a hardy perennial herbaceous plant, arising usually to the height of five or six feet, and producing a great number of large yellow shewy blossoms, which renders it a suitable plant to ornament the shrubbery or garden of large extent, the variety with double flowers is the one most commonly cultivated, and this we find in almost every garden it flowers from July to September, and is propagated by parting its roots in autumn.This is a hardy plant, of ready growth, will bear the smoke of London better than many others, if it continues in the same spot for a great number of years, the blossoms are apt to become single.The single sort, according to Morison, was introduced before 1699 by Lord Lemster. Ait. Kew.


Coronilla Varia
Lupinus Perennis
Jasminum Odoratissimum
Struthiola Erecta
Rubus Arcticus
Crepis Barbata Bearded Crepis or Purple eyed Succory Hawkweed
Campanula Grandiflora
Mesembryanthemum Dolabriforme Hatchet leavd Fig Marigold
Alyssum Saxatile
Cypripedium Acaule
Convolvulus Tricolor Small Convolvulus or Bindweed
Pulmonaria Virginica
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