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Iberis Gibraltarica



Iberis Gibraltarica

The flowers of this plant, a native of Gibraltar, bear some resemblance to those of the Common Candy Tuft, but when they blow in perfection, they are usually twice as large, hence they are highly ornamental in the green house, which early in the Spring, the time of their coming forth, stands in need of some such shewy flowers.This plant is easily raised from cuttings, and easily preserved, it may be kept through the Winter in a common hot bed frame, and in mild Winters will stand abroad, especially if sheltered amongst rock work, its greatest enemy is moisture in the Winter season, this often proves fatal to it, as indeed a long continued damp atmosphere does to many others, the Nurserymen about London complain of losing more plants the last mild Winter, from this cause, than they generally do from severe frosts. In a little green house which I had in my late garden, Lambeth Marsh, most of the plants became absolutely mouldy, in such seasons then, though in point of cold the plants may not require it, we must dissipate the superfluous moisture by a gentle heat.


Ixia Crocata
Lachenalia Tricolor
Lathyrus Sativus
Spartium Jungeum
Epilobium angustissimum
Pelargonium Bicolor
Melissa Grandiflora
Alyssum Halimifolium
Mesembryanthemum Pinnatifidum
Agrostemma Coronaria Rose Cockle or Campion
Cyrtanthus Angustifolius
Bellis Perennis var
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