Crepis Barbata Bearded Crepis or Purple eyed Succory Hawkweed
Crepis Barbata Bearded Crepis or Purple eyed Succory Hawkweed
Grows spontaneously in the south of France, about Montpelier, also, in Spain, Italy, Sicily, and elsewhere in the south of Europe is one of the most common annuals cultivated in our gardens. It begins flowering in July, and continues to blossom till the frost sets in.
No other care is necessary in the cultivation of this species than sowing the seeds in the spring, in little patches, on the borders where they are to remain, thinning them if they prove too numerous.
Miller calls this species bœ,tica, and improperly describes the centre of the flower as black, as also does Herman in all the specimens we have seen, it has evidently been of a deep purple colour, or, as Linnaeus expresses it, atropurpurascens.
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