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Clematis Integrifolia



Clematis Integrifolia

The Clematis integrifolia is not an uncommon plant in the nurseries about London, and is deserving a place in gardens, if not for the beauty of its flowers, at least for their singularity.
It is a native of Germany, flowers in July, and is one of those hardy perennials which suit most people, requiring little more than an introduction.
Is propagated by parting its roots in Autumn.


Pelargonium Bicolor
Adonis Vernalis
Phylica Ericoides
Mesembryanthemum Barbatum
Centaurea Glastifolia
Aster Tenellus Bristly leavd Aster
Erica herbacea Herbaceous Heath
Calceolaria Pinnata
Senecio Elegans
Dracocephalum Denticulatum
Fragaria Monophylla
Rosa Muscosa
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