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Andhra Pradesh

Dussehra Celebration


Andhra Pradesh

Vijayadashami has great importance in the Telugu household. For life events such as starting a new business/ venture, or buying a new home or vehicle, rituals take place on this auspicious day. They perform Ayudha Puja where they sanctify vehicles and other new items. In the evenings, a procession is taken up in all major cities where people dress up as characters from the Ramayana and perform stage shows called Ramlila. Huge effigies of Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Indrajit or Meghanada are burned, signifying victory of Lord Rama.In Telangana younger family members usually pay respects to their elders by giving them leaves of Shami tree/ Jambi tree, and seeking their blessings. In Hyderabad, Durga Puja is being celebrated for more than 60 years now. There are 5 major organisation that celebrate the Durga puja across the city. The Durga temple in Warangal is located adjacent to Badrakali Lake located in Center. Alampur Jogulamba Temple is one of the Astadasa Shaktipeethas, 18 prominent Temples dedicated to Goddess Shakti. It is mentioned several times in ancient scriptures. Sharan Navaratri is the biggest festival at Alampur Jogulamba Temple. The concluding event, Theppotsavam (boat festival) is an eye catching event held on Vijaya Dasami at Krishna Thungabhadra sangamam (confluence of River Krishna and Tungabhadra). Girls play bathukamma by placing a clay pot decorated with flowers around which they dance.


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