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Dasain in Nepal

Dussehra Celebration


Dasain in Nepal

Vijayadashami or Dasain is the biggest festival of the year in Nepal that falls in September/October and is celebrated by Hindu and non Hindu Nepalis. Among the Newars, it is known as Mohani. The 10th day of Dasain is Vijayadashami, on which elders put Tika and Jamara on the forehead of younger members of the family. Jamara is sown on the first day of the festival which becomes greenish yellow of about 10 20 cm length which represent symbol of victory. Some ethnic groups receive Tika and Jamara only on the 10th day whereas others continue to receive until the following full moon. Depending upon the relationship, people offer Dakshina after receiving the Tika and Jamara. On the eighth day of the festival, people offer sacrifice of goats, buffalo, chicken etc. to goddess Durga. Meat is heavily consumed after the sacrifice taken as the gift of god. People visit their relatives and exchange greetings throughout the 15 days of the festival.


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