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Prevents Signs of Ageing

Benefits of Tomatoes


Prevents Signs of Ageing

Tomatoes and its products enable the skin to absorb oxygen and prevent the signs of ageing. It provides an amazing natural skin treatment which can make the skin look younger and healthy with less effort. If by mistake you have bought slightly unripe tomatoes, then wrap them in a paper bag with banana or apples and leave overnight. Ethylene gas emitted by these fruits will speed up the ripening process. Place them in the refrigerator after they are fully ripe, where they will stay fresh for 2 to 3 more days.


Reduces Cholesterol and Protects the Heart
Tomatoes are rich in potassium
How to Select
Natural Bleaching Agent
Tomato contains important nutrients
Awesome amounts of lycopene
Maintaining blood health
Supports Bone Health
Prevents Signs of Ageing
Anti Cancer Benefits
Increases the concentration of lycopenein their breast milk
Lowers Hypertension
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