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Beauty uses of papaya

Benefits of Papayas


Beauty uses of papaya

Since the fruit is a good source of Vitamin A and Papain which is a kind of protein, it helps in removing dead skin cells, along with breaking down the inactive proteins. The peel (skin) of the papaya can not only be used on the face, but it should also be used for whitening the skin on your legs. Using papaya on your face regularly will reduce the signs of ageing. If you have rough and dry skin, mash a papaya with honey and apply this mixture for hydration of the skin.


Colon and Papaya
Lowers cholesterol
Helps ease menstrual pain
Safety profile
Skin and healing
Kidney disorder andPapaya
How to Store
Protects against arthritis
Immune Support
Papaya Seeds as a Treatment for Liver Cirrhosis
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