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Safety profile

Benefits of Papayas


Safety profile

Papayas contain white milk like latex substance, which can cause irritation to skin and provoke allergic reaction in some sensitized persons.Ripe papaya fruit can be safely used by pregnantwomen. Unripe, green papaya should be avoided in them since it contains a lot ofpapain, a proteolytic enzyme that used commercially to tenderize meat. In addition to unripepapaya; its seeds, latex, and leaves also containcarpaine, an alkaloid which could be dangerous when eaten in high doses. Unripe papaya, however, can be eaten safely as a cooked vegetable.


How to Store
Dengue Treatment and Papaya
Kidney disorder andPapaya
Heart disease
Great for your eyes
AntiInflammatory Effects
Papaya Seed Risks
Osteoporosis and Papaya
Potential health risks of consuming papaya
Cardiovascular Health
Effective detoxifying agent
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