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Benefits of Iceberg lettuce



The classic use of iceberg lettuce is a cold wedge salad with Roquefort or Blue Cheese dressings. Iceberg lettuce is ubiquitously cut into wedges and can simply be graced by blue cheese dressing and bacon to become a satisfying and economically frugal first course. Other simple companion accoutrements include herbs such as basil and flat leaf parsley, tomatoes, shallots, hard boiled eggs, grilled chicken and a classic vinaigrette of olive oil, dried herbs and cider vinegar. See more at:


Very low in calorie
This green leafy vegetable
Selecting Iceberg Lettuce
Anti oxidant
Iceberg Lettuce nutritional benefits
Lettuce can help to prevent lung cancer and mouth cancer
Protects Skin
Skin benefits
Low Glycemic Index
Alkaline formation and detoxification
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