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Benefits of Green chillis



Chilies acts as detoxifiers as they removes waste products from our body and increases supply nutrients to the tissues. Italso acts as gastrointestinal detoxicants helping in digestion of food.Green chilies are rich in vitamins A and C with the dried version higher in vitamin A and the fresh version higher in vitamin C. They can contain as much as six times the amount of vitamin C as a single orange. Their vibrant color signal high amounts of the antioxidant betacarotene, which supports the cardiovascular system, as well as helps maintain the health of the skin, eyes and immune system. Green chilies also contain vitamins B and E, and are a good source of iron and potassium. They do not contain fat or cholesterol and help block the bodys absorption of cholesterol while remaining low in calories.


Improves Mood
Vitamin K
It helps dissolve blood clots and aids in digestion
Protects against radiation
Delays Ageing
Protection Against Cancer
Heart food
Prevents Constipation
Bone Care
The burn experienced by eating chili helps digestion
Low in fat and contains the right kind of fat
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