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How to Grow Fennel

Benefits of Fennel Seeds


How to Grow Fennel

Fennel plants release a chemical, (anethole) that impairs the growth of some other plants, so it should not be grown very close to beans, tomatoes or cabbage family plants. Fennel grows well in its own big container in a rich soil. It is easily propagated by seeds, sown early in the year, and is frost resistant. You can direct sow, or transplant, about a foot or so apart. Fennel thrives in dry and sunny places that remind it of it's mediterranean home. Harvest the leaves anytime, and the bulbs when large enough. Keep flower heads cut to insure a supply of green leaves, or let flower heads mature to harvest seeds when ripe.


Increasing sex drive
How to Grow Fennel
Traditional/Ethnobotanical uses
Cholesterol absorption
Decreasing colic in babies
Fennel Seeds and Weight Loss
High In Antioxidants
Blood Pressure and Occular Pressure Reduction
Medicinal uses
Neurological Health
Pleasant smelling herb
Fennel is an aromatic herb
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