Benefits of Beetroot
Both beets and Swiss chard are different varieties within the same plant family (Amaranthaceae Chenopodiaceae) and their edible leaves share a resemblance in both taste and texture. Attached to the beets green leaves is a round or oblong root, the part conjured up in most peoples minds by the word beet. Although typically a beautiful reddish purple hue, beets also come in varieties that feature white, golden/yellow or even rainbow color roots. No matter what their color, however, beet roots arent as hardy as they look; the smallest bruise or puncture will cause red beets red purple pigments (which contain a variety of phytonutrients including betalains and anthocyanins) to bleed, especially during cooking. Betalain pigments in beets are highly water soluble, and they are also temperature sensitive. For both of these reasons, it is important to treat beets as a delicate food, even though they might seem rock solid and difficult to damage.