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Beans for Pregnancy and Healthy Babies

Benefits of Beans


Beans for Pregnancy and Healthy Babies

Folate, a vitamin very important for pregnant women and their unborn babies, is found in beans. During pregnancy, women need more folate. Expectant mothers who consume enough of the right nutrients can help reduce the risk of birth defects. beans are a very good source of manganese and a good source of copper, trace minerals that are essential cofactors of a key oxidative enzyme called superoxide dismutase.


Health benefits
Beans for Pregnancy and Healthy Babies
How to store
Snap beans are a good source of folates
Description of Black Beans
Beans for Energy and Vitality
Major Source of Dietary Protein
Iron for Energy
Navy beans Health Benefits
Tips for Preparing Green Beans
Protein Power Plus
Dry Beans Provide Complex Carbohydrates
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