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Throat and Voice Healthy

Healthy Throat


Throat and Voice Healthy

Dr. Amin and his comprehensive voice care team in New York City at the NYU Voice Center offer customized, patient-centered treatment for voice, swallowing, and airway problems. Patient education is very important to us. Please take a moment to review our tips on how to maintain healthy voices and throats. Proper care of our vocal cords and throats may prevent many conditions that affect the professional voice. How Dr. Milan Amin and his team of voice specialists can help The NYU Voice Center provides a multidisciplinary approach to state-of-the-art evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of voice disorders and swallowing problems, including.


A Description of The Throat
Protect Your Throat from the Cold Temperatures
Preventing Strep Throat
Avoid Sharing Eating Utensils
Do not smoke
Determining the Difference Between Strep Throat and the Cold Virus
Clean Your Toothbrush
Minimize throat clearing
Drink water stay well hydrated
Nipping sore throats in the bud
Use Honey and Ginger To Protect Your Throat
Preventing Mono
More ...

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