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Nipping sore throats in the bud

Healthy Throat


Nipping sore throats in the bud

If youre unlucky enough to succumb to a sore throat, there are some things you can do to ensure a speedy recovery.Make sure you are using a suitable method of pain relief, as advised by your pharmacist or doctor. Often soothing remedies such as honey and lemon can provide symptomatic relief while your body fights the infection.Keep your throat well irrigated by drinking lots of fluids preferably water. Dont gargle with anything that will irritate the throat, such as alcohol. Its important not to damage the normal cells in the throatHealthy eating is always important. Ensure you have a balanced diet and receive the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.


A Description of The Throat
Preventing Strep Throat
Preventing Mono
Gargle with salt
Do not abuse or misuse your voice
Do not smoke
Determining the Difference Between Strep Throat and the Cold Virus
Minimize throat clearing
Protect Your Throat from the Cold Temperatures
Try a lemon and water drink
Nipping sore throats in the bud
Preventing Cold Sores
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