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Benefits of Nectarine



Nectarines are similar to peaches but have a smooth skin. Eating nectarines is a healthy way to include many vitamins and minerals in your diet, and a mediumsized nectarine only has 60 calories. Choose a firm nectarine for a nutritious snack, or serve them sliced with a drizzle of honey for a nutrientpacked dessert.Nectarines are similar to plums or peaches, but they are orange or orangered in color when ripe and have a smooth firm skin. They are slightly larger than plums, and about the same size as mature peaches.


Betacarotene and Vitamin A
Preparation and Serving tips
Food for pregnancy
Cardiac health
Vitamin C
Prevent certain heart diseases
Aids digestion
Nectarine Nutritional Value
Eye care
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