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Benefits of Beetroot


Promote Optimal Health

The pigments that give beets their rich colors are called betalains. There are two basic types of betalains: betacyanins and betaxanthins. Betacyanins are pigments are red violet in color. Betanin is the best studied of the betacyanins. Betaxanthins are yellowish in color. In light or dark red, crimson, or purple colored beets, betacyanins are the dominant pigments. In yellow beets, betaxanthins predominate, and particularly the betaxanthin called vulgaxanthin. All betalains come from the same original molecule (betalamic acid). The addition of amino acids or amino acid derivatives to betalamic acid is what determines the specific type of pigment that gets produced.


Carotenoids in beet juice improve the quality
Eye Health
Powerful antioxidant properties
Protects the liver and bile ducts
Anti Inflammatory Benefits
Lowers cholesterol
To do
More Benefits of Beet Juice
Beetroot juice contains carbohydrates
Beets cleanse the body
Complexion a pinkish tinge
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