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Anti Inflammatory Benefits

Benefits of Beetroot


Anti Inflammatory Benefits

Many of the unique phytonutrients present in beets have been shown to function as anti inflammatory compounds. In particular, this anti inflammatory activity has been demonstrated for betanin, isobetanin, and vulgaxanthin. One mechanism allowing these phytonutrients to lessen inflammation is their ability to inhibit the activity of cyclo oxygenase enzymes (including both COX 1 and COX 2). The COX enzymes are widely used by cells to produce messaging molecules that trigger inflammation. Under most circumstances, when inflammation is needed, this production of pro inflammatory messaging molecules is a good thing. However, under other circumstances, when the body is undergoing chronic, unwanted inflammation, production of these inflammatory messengers can make things worse. Several types of heart disease


Neutralizing free radicals effects
Beetroot juice helps to eliminate itchy scalp
Support of Detoxification
Beets are high in fibers
Nutritional breakdown of beetroot
Prevents Birth Defects
Lower Your Blood Pressure
Cleanses toxins
Reduces blood pressure and the risk of heart attacks and strokes
Boosts brain power and may treat dementia
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