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Top Most Powerful Armies In The World



Indonesia is unlike other Asian countries in many ways. Many Asian countries are wary of the influences of the West, and try to make sure that their children and the next generation do not take too much notice. Indonesia, on the other hand, is all about the West. Cooperation with some of the strongest armies in the world, of course, always sounds like a good idea. But Indonesia is not looking for powerful friends because they are weak. If anything, it is the opposite. With their global firepower, Indonesia could easily be a major player on the world s stage, and they have more than one hundred million pairs of feet on the ground, but instead they have chosen to use the most powerful army in the world to ensure that terrorists are brought to justice. It would take the strongest military in the world to find those that are responsible for such terrible crimes, but the Indonesian Government is very certain that they want to bring peace and quiet into their corner of the world by removing those that threaten them. And as well as global peace, Indonesia is a little concerned for itself. The Bali bombings of 2002 meant that Indonesia lost a huge amount of money because tourists no longer felt safe there. Bringing these men to justice, and making them pay for their crimes against the country of Indonesia and against the world not only made the people of Indonesia feel better, but it helped their international relations too.


The Netherlands
The United Kingdom
North Korea
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