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Get it on

Tips to successful Relationship


Get it on

Unless you have committed to an asexual partnership, sex, sexual contact and touching kissing, holding hands, cuddling etc. are vital components of a romantic relationship. The frequency is of course, up to you and it s imperative that you discuss your ideas about it in order to prevent resentment. Rare are the moments when both partners are in the mood at the exact same second, but that doesnt mean that you have to decline their advances. Remind yourself that you will almost always get there after the first few minutes and that an intimate interaction of any kind builds connection and elevates your mood and health. Bear in mind that you are never required to say yes. If you truly dont feel it, the best thing you can do is to postpone. Just make sure that you initiate or accept within a reasonable amount of time thereafter.


Be supportive
The importance of trust and honesty
Take nothing for granted
Choose Your Battles Carefully
Share power
Be each others best friend
Getting through conflict
Dont ask how was your day
Spend time together
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