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Take practice exams

Tips for Success in Law School


Take practice exams

Lots of them. Exams previously administered by your professor are preferable. This will help you determine how your professor drafts his or her exams. The Fowler School of Law Library maintains a number of prior exams prepared by law professors. Whenever possible, select a prior exam for which there is a sample answer on file. This will allow you to check your answer against the sample and evaluate your performance. If there is no sample answer on file, ask you professor if he she will review and comment on your answer. Do not, however, wait until right before finals to ask your professor to review your answer. The earlier you ask, the more likely your professor will have time to review your answer.


The competition aspect of law school
Dont overjoin
Attend review sessions
Look at old final exams
Use memory to advantage
Stop wasting time
Learn how to manage your time well
Minimize your stress
Become efficient
Listen carefully and take careful
Review review review
Brief the cases
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