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Edamame Green Japanese Soybeans



Edamame Green Japanese Soybeans

Edamame are young, green soybeans in their pods, cooked by boiling, which make a great snack—high in fiber and protein, rich in calcium and potassium. Cooking the soybeans increases their available isoflavones, including daidzin, genistin, and genistein. Genistein has been investigated for its role in limiting the size and number of fat cells, possibly acting as an aid to preventing weight gain. Soy isoflavones may also reduce the risk of heart attack.
A cup of soybeans provides more than half of the daily recommended value of protein for the average adult—in less than 300 calories. Soybeans do, however, contain a fair amount of fat—11.6 grams per cup, of which 2.2 grams are saturated fat.
Nutritional Facts :
One-half cup of boiled green soybeans provides 127 calories, 9.9 g carbohydrate, 11.1 g protein, 5.8 g fat, 3.8 g dietary fiber, 140 IU vitamin A, 15 mg vitamin C, 100 mcg folic acid, 485 mg potassium, 13 mg sodium, 142 mg phosphorus, 131 mg calcium, 2.25 mg iron, and 54 mg magnesium.


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