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Develop good study habits

Success Tips For Students


Develop good study habits

Use a day planner to keep track of upcoming dates for assignments and tests.
Develop a routine for organizing your workload. Use time between classes to catch up on reading and studying.
Review your course notes on a regular basis.
Keep up to date on all your required reading.
Form a study group to review lecture notes and prepare for your exams. Mixing social interaction with studying will make it more fun.
Get started with assignments right away. Dont leave things to the last minute.
Review for tests over a longer period of time. Take breaks while studying and avoid all nighters. Your memory works best if you recall information frequently over time.
Seek help if you are having trouble with your courses. There are lots of resources available on campus that can help you if you are feeling overwhelmed with your studies.


Plan specific times for studying
Tell their friends not to call them during their study times
Plan Ahead
Learn that a student and a professor make a team
Like all exceptionally great students
Know your strengths
Understand the marking scheme
Take good notes
Make Connections
Are responsible and active
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