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Plan Ahead

Success Tips For Students


Plan Ahead

Dont wait until the last minute to do things (for example, apply for admissions and or financial aid, register for classes, complete your assignments or head out to class). By starting tasks early, you will ensure that you have time to take care of any unforeseen obstacles that might cause delays. If you know that it takes 15 minutes to get to class in good traffic, give yourself an extra 15 minutes in case there is a traffic jam. If you have a major project that counts for two test grades, dont wait until the night before it is due to start. You might have problems finding the information you need; your computer might break or your printer might run out of ink.


Develop communication skills
Make Connections
Get Involved
Work to Your Strengths
Successful Students Prioritize
Learn that a student and a professor make a team
Tell their friends not to call them during their study times
Try to study at the same times each day
Take responsibility
Get organized
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