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The Place to Play

Rules to play Petanque


The Place to Play

Petanque is also known as Boules and is played outdoors on any reasonably firm surface your yard, the park, a field, a gravel parking lot, cinder running track, etc. Hard surfaces like concrete or asphalt or very soft like a fine sand beach or long grass are not recommended. The ideal surface is hard packed earth with course sand or pea gravel approximately 1 8 ? deep covering the surface. Find a place that is open and fairly flat. If there are a few bumps and hollows thats fine and can even add more challenge to the game.


Throw the Boules
Court is used
Petanque vs Bocce
Start of Play
Pointer or shooter
The circle
Throwing the jack
The terrain
The boule
Decide who goes first
The Place to Play
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