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Playing styles

Rules to play Petanque


Playing styles

After a little experience, players usually categorize themselves as being either a pointer or shooter. The pointer lobs or rolls their boule as close as possible to the cochon. They are trying to get the point by moving their boule nearest to the cochon. The shooter tirer hits the boule of an opponent away from the cochon by rolling, throwing, or lobbing their boule at the opposing teams boule. There is an especially difficult shot that a tirer makes called a carreau. This is when the shooter throws his her boule hitting an opponents boule directly without touching the ground, in such a way as to replace its position perfectly with their own boule.


The circle
Winning the Round
Court is used
Winning the Game
To have the point
The boule
Beginning a New Round
Playing area
Start of Play
Decide who goes first
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