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Rules to play Petanque



A player from the other side then stands in the circle and throws. He or she can try to get nearer to the Coche or can try to knock away the opposition Boule. Trying to get near the Coche is called Pointing, trying to hit away a Boule is quite fair and is called Shooting The Boule left nearest the Coche leads is on. If it isnt clear which is closest, a tape measure may sometimes need to be used. The next player is anyone from the side not leading ie not closest to the coche so there is no fixed sequence or fixed turns to go. He or she can chose to Point or Shoot, as they wish this is where tactics come in. Players from the side not leading then continue to play till they get nearer the coche than the opposition best Boule. If they dont, when they run out of Boule the other side then plays all their remaining Boule. If the Coche gets moved you have to look to see who is now leading. Boule that hit the boundaries of the terrain are deemed Out. Once the Coche is thrown no obstacles stones, leaves, etc can be moved.


Choose teams
Strategy and Technique
To shoot
Toss the Jack
The boule
Equipment needed
How to Score Points
Playing area
Winning the Round
Pointer or shooter
Court is used
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