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Avoid flying a kite near public roads

Rules to play Kite Flying


Avoid flying a kite near public roads

Kites can sometimes behave in an unpredictable manner, even for experienced flyers; you do not want to cause an car accident by disrupting traffic with your kite. Additionally, know that most areas regulate all air traffic near airports, including that from kites.

Its a good idea to know the rules before you begin, so check with local authorities regarding not only for permissible areas in which to fly your kite, but also for additional specific regulations. For example, many areas regulate the maximum flying height for kites.


Pick the right day
Find a buddy
Watch the Weather
Avoid flying a kite near public roads
Kite fighting rule
Pick the right space
Wear protective gear
Music and Kite Flying
Stand with your back to the wind
Unwind about 20 meters
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