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Choose a Safe Location

Rules to play Kite Flying


Choose a Safe Location

This will minimise the chances of accident or injury. Always fly in large, open areas free from trees and power lines. Many kite lines contain carbon spurs, which are very efficient conductors of electricity, so flying near power lines or radio towers is asking for trouble. To be extra safe, build or purchase kites made from wood, paper, plastic, and natural fabrics. Those made with metallic materials, including aluminium foil and Mylar, increase the chances of electrocution. If you accidentally get any kite caught in power lines, never attempt to dislodge it yourself. For safetys sake, contact the proper authority for assistance.


If the kite sinks tail first
Pick the right day
Unwind about 20 meters
Pick the right space
No helper
Signal to your buddy to release the kite
Light wind
Find a buddy
Release the length of string
Highest flying angle
Music and Kite Flying
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