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Rover balls

Rules to play Croquet


Rover balls

After a ball scores all of the wickets in the course, its player may choose to keep it in the game as a rover to help advance that sides remaining ball s and to prevent the opposing side from advancing. During this balls turn, it may hit any other ball only once per turn, gaining extra shots accordingly, but it does not earn any extra shots or wicket points for running a wicket.Any player may put a rover out of the game by causing it to hit the finishing stake with a roquet shot or a croquet or foot shot. The rovers side earns the point for the stake, and the order of play continues without the staked out ball.An interesting variation is playing poison.


Bonus shots
The Wickets and Stakes
Scoring Wicket and Stake Points
Rover balls
The court
Rover play
Optional accessories
Sequence of Play
Time limits
Over time play
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