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The boundaries

Rules to play Croquet


The boundaries

Whenever any part of a ball crosses a boundary, it is brought inbounds and placed one mallet length or 36 inches into the court. The ball should be placed 90 degrees inbounds and perpendicular to the line and not diagonally from the line. Exception When the striker ball has just roqueted hit another ball, the striker may choose to place it in contact with or up to a mallet head from the ball that was roqueted. All balls are also immediately brought in a mallet length from the boundary when they are less than that distance from the boundary, except for the strikers ball when the striker has an extra shot.

On a smaller court, you may reduce the distance from the boundary for placing balls in to as little as a mallet head about nine inches , but whatever the distance chosen, balls must be brought in the full distance from the boundary. If more than one ball crosses the boundary on the same spot, the striker may measure any ball inbounds first and then place the other s a mallet heads length away from it on either side.


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The boundaries
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