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Buddy system

Rules to play Aquatics


Buddy system

Every participant is paired with another. Buddies stay together, monitor each other, and alert the safety team if either needs assistance or is missing. Buddies check into and out of the area together.

Buddies are normally in the same ability group and remain in their assigned area. If they are not of the same ability group, then they swim in the area assigned to the buddy with the lesser ability.

A buddy check reminds participants of their obligation to monitor their buddies and indicates how closely the buddies are keeping track of each other. Roughly every 10 minutes, or as needed to keep the buddies together, the lookout, or other person designated by the supervisor, gives an audible signal, such as a single whistle blast, and a call for


General rules
Non posted general rules
Water temperature
Water vortex rules
Bottom Conditions and Depth
Weather participants
Admission rules
Water quality
Response personnel
Moving water
Water volleyball
Drop slide
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