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Lap pool rules

Rules to play Aquatics


Lap pool rules

1. Children 7 or younger must be under the watchful eye of an adult 16 or older.
2. Children under 5 MUST remain within arms length of the parents or guardian.
3. Patron must pass the swim test for the managers to go in any area where patron cannot touch the bottom.
4. Patrons may not hold others by the shoulders or above.
5. No diving, flips, or somersaults off play features or other areas marked 5 feet or under.
6. No flips or somersaults off the edge of the pool.
7. Must enter water feet first, facing forward.
8. Basketball and Volleyball Rules:
A. No rough play, dunking, or tackling.
B. No hanging on rim, nets, backboards, or poles.
C. Must be in the water to play or shoot.
9. All patrons in the lap lane must continue to swim in a counter clockwise direction.
10. Please swim around or go around the lap lane if you are getting in or out of the pool.
11. Avoid prolonged breath holding, this can lead to shallow water blackout and drowning.
12. No tossing other patrons in the air.
13. No reverse or inward dives.


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