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Understand Facebooks security settings and use them

Precautions while using Facebook


Understand Facebooks security settings and use them

Most analysts called this step absolutely mandatory. Larry Hawes, an analyst at Gilbane Group, noted that users need to find out where the security settings are on Facebook and take the time to learn how to use them to control what information is shared with people, applications and Web sites.


Trust your instincts
Use your common sense
Dont post information that makes you vulnerable to a physical attack
Security weaknesses of add on features
Do not leave your computer on with your Facebook account open
Impersonation is rampant Beware
Ummm sorry Grandma Think before you type
Beware of those applications
Be careful when placing photographs of you or your children on Facebook
Dont post your address online
Be sure to have virus software for your computer and keep it updated
Dont talk to strangers
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