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Do not ever think that your Facebook page is private amongst only your friends and family

Precautions while using Facebook


Do not ever think that your Facebook page is private amongst only your friends and family

Job interviewers, lawyers, investigators, the police, and the entire world will be searching for information on your Facebook site at some point. Most people will need a lawyer whether it is for a divorce, a speeding ticket, a personal injury lawsuit or a work related injury. I have personally seen instances where parties to a lawsuit and witnesses have posted items on their Facebook site which was subsequently used later in a job interview or a deposition or even in court. Do not think for one second that anything you post will ever be kept private. Your whole life is up for dissection and a simple Google search on your name will pull up your Facebook profile. Try it.


Be careful when placing photographs of you or your children on Facebook
Limit viewers
Be sure to have virus software for your computer and keep it updated
Impersonation is rampant Beware
Dont post your address online
Be careful not to provide too much information
Watch your status messages
Consider restricting access to your profile
Always log out
Connected with friends
Proofread Your Updates
Beware of those applications
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