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Dont be profane in your personal accounts

Precautions while using Facebook


Dont be profane in your personal accounts

Anyone who knows me well understands that I can swear like a truck driver (those poor truck drivers get a bad rap by the way), but you will rarely see me swear in my public social media posts. I may get edgy here and there, but the fewer F bombs I drop, the smaller the risk of one slipping into the wrong social media stream. Its a personal choice with which others will differ, but I like to lower the odds (metrics!).


Be sure to watch what you place on your Wall
Be sure to have virus software for your computer and keep it updated
Impersonation is rampant Beware
Never use the same passwords
Use your privacy settings
Security weaknesses of add on features
Malicious eyes
Ummm sorry Grandma Think before you type
Privecy policies
Do not leave your computer on with your Facebook account open
Be careful not to provide too much information
Dont post your address online
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