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Review Your Privacy Settings

Precautions while using Facebook


Review Your Privacy Settings

Facebook tends to revise its site a lot and when that happens, it sometimes resets everyones default privacy sharing options. Facebook defaults tend to overshare your personal information, so if you havent looked at yourFacebook privacy settingsin a while, you really should review them. At the very least, make sure your default sharing option is set to Friends and not Public. And be sure to use the audience selector tool when you post material if you want tomake Facebook privateso viewing is restricted to only your friends.


Limit viewers
Be sure to have virus software for your computer and keep it updated
Be sure to watch what you place on your Wall
Add only the people you know
Dont post your address online
Dont be profane in your personal accounts
Security weaknesses of add on features
Dont talk to strangers
Keep Your Grudges Private
Do not accept all Friend Requests
Family and friends
Be suspicious
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