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Be sure to watch what you place on your Wall

Precautions while using Facebook


Be sure to watch what you place on your Wall

The Wall is exactly that, a wall such as the bulletin board at work or in school. When you make postings to your wall, the post is placed prominently on your Facebook site and also copied to all your friends and family as an update of what you are doing. It is the equivalent of hitting the Reply All in an email. Do not place postings regarding your late night out or your latest fling unless you want your friends, coworkers, and family to know of your escapades. If you really need to detail your latest rant against your boss or how you acted during the football game last week, do it in a private email outside of Facebook. There are now Web sites designed to post embarrassing Wall postings. Do not be the person that millions of Internet users are now laughing at.


Create a Facebook Security Question
What stays posted
Do not ever think that your Facebook page is private amongst only your friends and family
Do not accept all Friend Requests
Privecy policies
Security weaknesses of add on features
Be sure to keep your house clean
Family and friends
Do not share pics
Be careful not to provide too much information
Be sure to have virus software for your computer and keep it updated
Understand Facebooks security settings and use them
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