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Should not keep any hot flames

Precaution while using LPG


Should not keep any hot flames

We should not keep any hot flames like kerosene lamp, kerosene stove or electric heater near the gas cylinder. The gas agency should be informed in case of a leaking gas cylinder and it should be replaced at the earliest. Before lighting a matchstick, we should make sure that there is no foul smell of the leaking gas in the kitchen, near the as cylinder or gas stove.


Cylinder is kept upright
Keep children away from all LPG appliances
Ask about delivery arrangements in your area
Do not use unflued LPG appliances in bedrooms
Before Usage
After Usage
Liquefied petroleum gas or liquid petroleum gas
We should not use any open flames
While receiving cylinders
Cylinders should never be placed in closed areas
Before igniting the gas
Check the level of gas in your cylinders
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