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Ask about delivery arrangements in your area

Precaution while using LPG


Ask about delivery arrangements in your area

Delivery days vary from location to location. This is because most LPG suppliers plan their delivery runs to provide all their customers with regular opportunities to receive gas. This may mean deliveries in your area happen daily, twiceweekly, on the same day each week, or as required depending on the orders received. When you first set up an account with us or next time youre talking to our LPG experts, its a good idea to learn when deliveries usually occur in your neighbourhood. That way youll have a guide to how far in advance you need to place your orders.


In situ or tankerfill supply
Safety Tips
Using LPG
Exchange cylinders
What are the cons
Separate LPG appliances from combustible materials
Switch off the cylinder valve
LPG Cabinet Heater Safety
Safety when you smell gas
After Usage
Should not keep any hot flames
Plan to order earlier in winter
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