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Safety when you smell gas

Precaution while using LPG


Safety when you smell gas

If you smell gas in the street or on your property before or including the meter, you should call your natural gas distribution company to locate and repair the leak. If however, you believe the leak to be after the meter on a section of pipe work connecting your appliances, or on the appliance itself, you can contact any licensed gasfitter to rectify the problem. Remember, any person undertaking work involving gas must be appropriately licensed.


Before Usage
LPG Cabinet Heater Safety
Cylinder is kept upright
Tips to avoid running out of gas
Check the level of gas in your cylinders
Checked regularly the rubber pipe
Liquefied petroleum gas or liquid petroleum gas
Do not use unflued LPG appliances in bedrooms
What to do in case of LPG leaking
Cylinders should never be placed in closed areas
We should not use any open flames
Comparison with natural gas
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